1 学校开具的中英文成绩单是要分别做一个英文公证件吗?还是说做成一份相当于翻译公证件
2 本科出国交换了一年,课程和学分已经转换到国内成绩单上,还需要提交国外的成绩单吗(我并没有原件)
The following documents (certified copies) must be submitted together with the online application form:
- school-leaving certificate in the original language, and a certified translation (certified copies)
- list of grades and subjects in the original language, and a certified translation (certified copies)
- university eXXXance examination/certificate (if required in your couXXXy) in the original language, and a certified translation (certified copies)
- copy of your passport ID page
- language certificate (certified copies)
And, if you have attended university:
- academic degree in the original language, and a certified translation (certified copies)
- transcript of records for each semester in the original language, and a certified translation (certified copies) |