楼主 |
发表于 2011-5-13 19:50:16
本帖最后由 lazhaer 于 2011-5-13 19:59 编辑
回复 2# amor_cat
还请猫哥指点适合的保险、时间和费用:要求保险能通过签证就行,时间尽量短,费用低。因为如上所说我得的Erasmus Mundus 奖学金已经包括了一份两年多的国际保险只是保单暂时拿不到。
另外,学校对于办理了其他保险是这么说的, “officially the students do not need an additional German compulsory health insurance but need to obtain such a confirmation. If you want to keep your private health insurance you need a confirmation that you are exempted from statutory health insurance. This confirmation is called companies (AOK, DAK, TK, Barmer) for free.” 意思是不是说私保和欧盟给的保险冲突呢?
p.s. 猫哥,我的信箱是lazhaer@gmail.com。很急,估计会面签之前直接去你那里拿,是不是之前什么都不用准备,拿着护照和108元加急费到了您那儿就能拿到保险证明呢?
谢谢猫哥 |