
楼主 |
发表于 2009-11-8 00:49:14
教授的名字是: Prof. Dr. Alf Giese und Prof. Dr. Veit Rohde ,目前负责和我联系的是Dr. Ella Kim
还请前辈代为打听一二,如果能介绍熟悉的师兄师姐那是最最好好不过的了,不过据Dr. Ella Kim说他们这个实验组是第一次找中国学生,汗。
她的原文如下:As I already explained in our phone conversation the 6 months probation time is a general requirement we present to all applicants who would like to perform a Doctoral study in our group. The main reason for that is that glioma stem cell biology is a very competitive field and as a small group we can not afford investing too much time, energy and money into individuals with insufficient scientific potential or those lacking hard working attitude, the pre-requisites for the project moving forward. The 6 months probation aims to provide insights based on personal experience about the suitability of a candidate for long-term engagement in our prijects. Major criterias: 1) Accuracy in technical performance and ability to produce clean and reproducible results; 2) Flexibility and preparedness to learn and perform different types of experiments (biochemistry, cell culture, work with mice when necessary); 3) Ability to follow on the literature on a continuous basis; 4) Discipline and obeyance of my instructions and general rules in the lab.
因为我如果去德国,辞掉工作的可能性非常大,所以她的这个6个月试用期让我很为难,当然,如果是德国教授都这样要试用学生,那我也只有接受。。。 |