楼主 |
发表于 2011-6-9 17:12:47
回复 48# yyld
Thank you for completing the pre-application to the master’sprogram in molecular medicine at the Charité. At this time we have completedour review of your pre-application and, unfortunately, you have not beenselected to apply officially to the program. Please understand that this yearwe had an unusually large application pool and thus, while your credentials maybe extremely good, we were not able to invite all the candidates to apply.
Many rejected candidates often write back to inquire if theycan apply again next year, and/or what they might do in the future to enhancetheir application to this or some other master’s program. The answer isthat yes, you may certainly apply to the master’s program in molecularmedicine again next year. In some cases, repeat applications have a slightlybetter chance of being accepted after having shown the enduring nature of theirmotivation.
In order to improve your chances of being accepted wegenerally suggest that interested candidates acquire as much researchexperience as possible in areas closely related to molecular medicine,genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology. While it is preferable to obtainsuch experience in a modern laboratory where you can learn current techniques,it is not necessary.
I hope this email, despite the bad news, has been helpful.If you have further questions, you may of course write back, but at this timewe are extremely overloaded with email information requests so it is not likelythat we will be able to respond in a timely manner.
I wish you the best of luck with your future scientificpursuits.
Best regards,
Naomi Weizenbaum
Program Coordinator
Molecular Medicine Master’s Program
Charité, Berlin, Germany |