鄙人是学计算机的,今年本科毕业,去年年底由学校推荐申请了DAAD-Siemens Scholarship,结果铩羽而归:(不过在申请学校的过程当中,拿到了U Erlangen - Nürnberg和TU Braunschweig国际硕士项目的admission,前几天还申请了最后一个学校Saarland University。现在比较想去的是U Erlangen和Saarland,那天写信问了Saarland的小秘关于国际硕士的APS问题,她是这样回答的:
Concerning your other question: I don`t know exactly what an "APS" is. I think it is a special German certificate that Chinese students normally need if they want to study in Germany, isn`t it?
You don`t need an APS for applying for the Master Program at our university. All the lectures will be in English, so the only document we need, is a certificate of your English knowledges. (TOEFL, CPE or IELTS)
We don`t think you need an APS for your student visa either. As soon as the students are admitted to our Computer Science Master Program, we inform the Consulate that you are admitted to Saarland University and we tell them that you only need English in order to study her, and that this is why we only require English certificates from our foreign students.
We have students from China that don`t have APS certificates.
But you best also ask at the German embassy in China if you need an APS for a student visa.
现在有点糊涂了,去德国留学APS是必须的嘛?没有的话也能过签证?如果不必要的话,在德国会不会有什么影响呢?现在我一点都没有准备APS的审核(除了当时公证了一些高中的材料),如果想今年秋季入学的话,最完申请审核是什么时间那?应该可以用英语的吧,我一点都不懂德语的:( |