发表于 2010-5-6 11:11:42
our admission board has done selection of applications, and it is my
pleasure to inform you that your application has been placed in the
highest category. For you, this means the following:
(1) We want you as a new CSE student this fall.
(2) You will get the direct admission to the CSE program by
TUM's administration (as attachment to your file in TUM online).
(3) Of course, we strongly assume that you will take this chance to
continue your education at TUM, one of Germany's Elite Universities
and one of Europe's leading Institutes of Technology. However, if you do
not intend any more to join TUM's CSE program for any reason,
please inform us immediately - in any case, please send us a quick
feedback on this email; you will greatly simplify our admission procedure.
Looking forward to welcoming you at TUM in October,
best regards,
Hans-Joachim Bungartz
- CSE program director -[/QUOTE]
TUMonline 不是admitted打勾了么 然后让你“accept study place”
你点了之后就会自动生成一个offer吧 |