You have sent an application for the winter semester 2008/2009 to the Academy of fine Arts Munich. We must inform you that you have not sent in all the requirements needed. The following application materials must be sent immediately:
Evidence of graduation from a college preparatory secondary school or evidence of completion of professional training, and, where applicable, evidence that practical training or employment has been completed. (Educational, practical training, and employment documents must be in the form of officially authenticated photocopies or other copies; they cannot be returned). In the case of candidates from countries where German is not an official language, all documents must be submitted in the form of an officially authenticated translation. Transcripts of completion of a course of study in a college secondary school (either general or specialized) which were acquired outside of an officially recognized and accredited German institution are only valid proof, in the State of Bavaria, when they are recognized by the Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle (Certificate Recognition Office), Pündterplatz 5, 80803 Munich, Tel. +49-89-383849-0. For further information see the attachment “application ZAS”.
請問大家有把文件寄去這邊審核過嗎 大概要多少時間阿 我要來不及了 |