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请问我奖学金包括的这个保险 可以不用再买签证要求的3万欧的保险了吗?

发表于 2006-7-17 09:45:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
那边给的保险是这样的 不知道还需要买不了?非常感谢各位了!
Summary of cover:
Accidental death 5 000 EUR
Permanent invalidity due to accident 75 000 EUR
Hospital stay in a shared room due to accident or sickness real costs for up to one
Costs of treatment following an accident/sickness
(including surgery, ambulance transportation,
medicines, physiotherapy and medical examinations) real costs
Costs of urgent dental care 250 EUR
- repatriation or medical transport real costs
- repatriation or transportation of mortal remains 7 500 EUR
- early return in case of the death of a relative real costs
- the dispatching of medicines abroad real costs
- search and rescue costs real costs
- telecommunication costs 125 EUR
- travel assistance (in case of loss/theft of travel documents,
tickets, cost of interpreters,) real costs
- legal assistance 5 000 EUR
- transportation and accommodation costs for family
members in emergency situations 7 500 EUR
Travel documents 150 EUR
Civil liability in private life according to Belgian law
- 125 EUR excess payable
发表于 2006-7-17 12:40:29 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-17 15:04:50 | 显示全部楼层
主要是我不知道奖学金包括的这种保险符不符合大使馆要求的那个?非常感谢啊 谢谢帮忙 !
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