楼主 |
发表于 2004-1-12 15:30:33
Dear applicant!
The so-called Studienkontenmodell (study account scheme) will be introduced in the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia from the summer semester 2004 (April) onwards. As a result students will be able to study for only a certain number of semesters/years without paying fees. In addition, only students studying for their first degree will be able to study without paying fees. For example:
·All students who already have a first degree (e.g. Bachelor, Licence, Mühendis or equivalent) and now wish to undertake studies leading to the degree „Diplom“, „Magister“, „Bachelor“ or „Staatsexamen“ must pay tuition fees from the Summer Semester 2004 onwards.
· Students in a Master programme who already have a Master degree or equivalent (e.g. due to previous studies in home country) will have to pay tuition fees from the Summer Semester 2004 onwards.
· Students in two-year Master programmes, who have not already been awarded a Master degree (e.g. due to previous studies in their home country), will only have to pay tuition fees if they take longer than six semesters/3 years to complete their studies. They are exempt from tuition fees for the first six semesters / three years.
· All students enrolled on other graduate degree courses (European Studies, MES; Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Zusatzstudium (Business Administration and Economics for Engineers); Operations Research and Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisations-Psychologie (ABO) will have to pay tuition fees from the Summer Semester 2004 onwards.
· If you do not have a first degree (e.g. from your home country) already and are beginning your studies in 2004 you are exempt from fees unless you exceed a specific period of time before graduating. E.g.: If you are studying a subject that has a Regelstudienzeit (nominal duration) of 5 years/10 semesters you are exempt from fees as long as you do not exceed 15 semesters to complete your studies. From the 16th semester on you will have to pay tuition fees amounting to 650 Euros per semester as long as you are registered as a student.
- The tuition fees are 650 Euros per semester, i.e. 1300 Euros per year.
- In addition to any tuition fees, the social contribution fee of 125 Euros must be paid by all students.
· Students studying for a doctorate degree or within the framework of SOCRATES/ERASMUS, and students enrolled at the Studienkolleg or enrolled on the RWTH-German or undertaking their Praktische Jahr (PJ) in Medicine do NOT have to pay tuition fees.The Studienkontenmodell applies to German and international students alike. |