楼主 |
发表于 2022-11-23 09:24:09
录取通知上是2023冬季入学(多季录取?),学校联系信中确认说如满足语言要求,可以2023夏季入学。本人也是在争取夏季入学。 请问按照以下使馆网上预约递签邮件,我是等待使馆确认递签时间,还是重新网上预约,排队2023冬季入学的waiting list?
"Please note that this registration on the waiting list is only valid if you plan to start your studies, a preparatory language course or preparatory college in Germany in the winter semester 2022/23 or summer semester 2023.
For study visits from the winter semester 2023/24 onwards, a separate waiting list will become available at a later date.
We will confirm your precise appointment (date and time) in a separate email as soon as possible.” |