发表于 2020-6-18 18:58:07
From 1 July 2020, the exceptions to the EU eXXXy restrictions are to be extended as follows:
EU citizens, citizens from couXXXies associated with Schengen (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), citizens from the UK and third-couXXXy nationals entitled to reside in the EU and their respective family members shall be allowed to enter the couXXXy, regardless of whether they are returning to their place of residence.
The categories for third-couXXXy nationals with so-called “essential functions or needs” are to be extended by including:
third-couXXXy nationals entering for the purpose of study
qualified professionals from third couXXXies provided that their employment is necessary from an economic point of view and that their work cannot be postponed or carried out from abroad. |