1、申请表里Grading and Awarding System这项要求
Please note that we cannot evaluate your application well if your grading and awarding system is not explained. In somecountries / universities, “1” stands for “very good”, whereas in others it means “just one out of five points”, i.e. “very bad”(grading system). And how is your final average grade calculated? Is every class counted, and do they all count the same(grading system)? For both grading and awarding, it is very important to know the minimum passing marks / lowest possible grade, and maximum achievable marks / best achievable grade.
我的成绩单里倒是有对A,B,C,D,F分数的说明,但GPA计算方法也没说,而且满分和及格分数也没说,请问Grading and Awarding System要单独开一份材料然后去公证处证明么?
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