本帖最后由 welllu 于 2011-8-5 22:29 编辑
1. ms说Mannheim商学院是最好的?那他有没有英语教学呢?刚刚去了下他的网页,没细看,但是看到他对GMAT和德语都有要求。。。
2. Mannheim应该不算是经济金融中心,对我这个专业的实习是不是会有影响?法兰克福会不会机会多一点(但纠结的是,法兰克福的学校ms没有很好)
3. 我希望可以读完书,找个工作,定居在德国,额,这个可能性大吗?
Dear Chloe,
many thanks for your interest in our Master-Program.
At the moment, another english certificate is not required since we require the GMAT.
Nevertheless, we´re planning some changes concerning the application process. This means that we will introduce two separate application processes for the MMM:
- English-Track: english lessons only: English certificate like TOEFL will be required from 2012 on.
- German-English-Track: english and german lessons: german competence is required, but no further english test apart from the GMAT.
In addition, we will require a GMAT with at least 550 points (instead of 500 points at the moment).
You could find these and further information about the new processes from the beginning of September on on our homepage.
If you´ve any further questions, feel free to contact me again.
Best wishes,
Melanie Kotremba
Dipl. Rom. Melanie Kotremba
Admission Processes and Student Advisor MMM, Visiting Professors, Gender Equality
University of Mannheim | Dean´s Office Business School
L 5, 5 | 68131 Mannheim | Germany | Phone: +49 (0)621/181-1421
申请德语英语双语教学的就需要提供:德语成绩和GMAT(550+) |