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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-20 16:12:27 | 显示全部楼层



Economists study. . .
􀂋How people make decisions.
􀂋How people interact with each other.
􀂋The forces and trends that affect the economy as a whole.

Efficiency means society gets the most that it can from its scarce resources.
Equity means the benefits of those resources are distributed fairly among the members of society.

􀂋The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)is an example of a multilateral trade agreement.
􀂋In 1993, NAFTA lowered the trade barriers among the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

􀂋The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)refers to a continuing series of negotiations among many of the world’s countries with a goal of promoting free trade.
􀂋GATT has successfully reduced the average tariff among member countries from about 40% after WWII to about 5% today.

Principles of Economics
1. People face tradeoffs.
2. The cost of something is what you give up to get it.
The opportunity cost of an item is what you give up to obtain that item.
3. Rational people think at the margin.
4. People respond to incentives.
marginal benefits exceed its marginal costs!
5. Trade can make everyone better off.
6. Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity.
firms interacting in markets act as if guided by an “invisible hand.”
7. Governments can sometimes improve market outcomes.
Market failure occurs when the market fails to allocate resources efficiently.
8. The standard of living depends on a country’s production.
Productivity is the amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time.
9. Prices rise when the government prints too much money.
Inflation is an increase in the over all level of prices in the economy.
10. Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.

Summary 1
􀂋When individuals make decisions, they face tradeoffs.
􀂋Rational people make decisions by comparing marginal costs and marginal benefits.
&#1048715eople can benefit by trading with each other.
􀂋Markets are usually a good way of coordinating trades.
􀂋Government can potentially improve market outcomes.
A country’s productivity determines its living standards.
􀂋Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.

Summary 2
􀂋In order to address subjects with objectivity, economics makes use of the scientific method.
􀂋The field of economics is divided into two subfields: microeconomics and macroeconomics.
􀂋Economics relies on both positive and normative analysis. Positive statements assert how the world “is” while normative statements assert how the world “should be.”
􀂋Economists may offer conflicting advice due to differences in scientific judgments or to differences in values.

Summary 3
􀂋Interdependence and trade allow people to enjoy a greater quantity and variety of goods and services.
􀂋The person who can produce a good with a smaller quantity of inputs has an absolute advantage.
􀂋The person with a smaller opportunity cost has a comparative advantage.
􀂋The gains from trade are based on comparative advantage, not absolute advantage.
􀂋Comparative advantage applies to countries as well as to people.

Summary 4
􀂋Economists use the model of supply and demand to analyze competitive markets.
􀂋The demand curve shows how the quantity of a good depends upon the price.
􀂋According to the law of demand, as the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded falls.
􀂋In addition to price, other determinants of quantity demanded include income, tastes, expectations, and the prices of complements and substitutes.
􀂋The supply curve shows how the quantity of a good supplied depends upon the price.
􀂋According to the law of supply, as the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied rises.
􀂋In addition to price, other determinants of quantity supplied include input prices, technology, and expectations.
􀂋Market equilibrium is determined by the intersection of the supply and demand curves.
􀂋Supply and demand together determine the prices of the economy’s goods and services.
􀂋In market economies, prices are the signals that guide the allocation of resources.

Summary 5
&#1048715rice elasticity of demand measures how much the quantity demanded responds to changes in the price.
􀂋If a demand curve is elastic, total revenue falls when the price rises.
􀂋If it is inelastic, total revenue rises as the price rises.
􀂋The price elasticity of supply measures how much the quantity supplied responds to changes in the price.
􀂋In most markets, supply is more elastic in the long run than in the short run.

Summary 6
&#1048715rice controls include price ceilings and price floors.
􀂋A price ceiling is a legal maximum on the price of a good or service. An example is rent control.
􀂋A price floor is a legal minimum on the price of a good or a service. An example is the minimum wage.
􀂋Taxes are used to raise revenue for public purposes.
􀂋When the government levies a tax on a good, the equilibrium quantity of the good falls.
􀂋A tax on a good places a wedge between the price paid by buyers and the price received by sellers.
􀂋The incidence of a tax refers to who bears the burden of a tax.
􀂋The incidence of a tax does not depend on whether the tax is levied on buyers or sellers.
􀂋The incidence of the tax depends on the price elastic ties of supply and demand.

Summary 7
􀂋Consumer surplus measures the benefit buyers get from participating in a market.
􀂋Consumer surplus can be computed by finding the area below the demand curve and above the price.
&#1048715roducer surplus measures the benefit sellers get from participating in a market.
&#1048715roducer surplus can be computed by finding the area below the price and above the supply curve.
􀂋The equilibrium of demand and supply maximizes the sum of consumer and producer surplus.
􀂋This is as if the invisible hand of the marketplace leads buyers and sellers to allocate resources efficiently.
􀂋Markets do not allocate resources efficiently in the presence of market failures.
􀂋An allocation of resources that maximizes the sum of consumer and producer surplus is said to be efficient.
&#1048715olicymakers are often concerned with the efficiency, as well as the equity, of economic outcomes.

Summary 8
􀂋A tax on a good reduces the welfare of buyers and sellers of the good. And the reduction in consumer and producer surplus usually exceeds the revenues raised by the government.
􀂋The fall in total surplus the sum of consumer surplus, producer surplus, and tax revenue is called the deadweight loss of the tax.
􀂋Taxes have a deadweight loss because they cause buyers to consume less and sellers to produce less.
􀂋This change in behavior shrinks the size of the market below the level that maximizes total surplus.
􀂋As a tax grows larger, it distorts incentives more, and its deadweight loss grows larger.
􀂋Tax revenue first rises with the size of a tax.
􀂋Eventually, however, a larger tax reduces tax revenue because it reduces the size of the market.

Summary 9
􀂋The effects of free trade can be determined by comparing the domestic price without trade to the world price.
􀂋A low domestic price indicates that the country has a comparative advantage in producing the good and that the country will become an exporter.
􀂋A high domestic price indicates that the rest of the world has a comparative advantage in producing the good and that the country will become an importer.
􀂋When a country allows trade and becomes an exporter of a good, producers of the good are better off, and consumers of the good are worse off.
􀂋When a country allows trade and becomes an importer of a good, consumers of the good are better off, and producers are worse off.
􀂋A tariff –a tax on imports –moves a market closer to the equilibrium than would exist without trade, and therefore reduces the gains from trade.
􀂋Import quotas will have effects similar to those of tariffs.
􀂋There are various arguments for restricting trade: protecting jobs, defending national security, helping infant industries, preventing unfair competition, and responding to foreign trade restrictions.
􀂋Economists, however, believe that free trade is usually the better policy.

Summary 10
􀂋When a transaction between a buyer and a seller directly affects a third party, the effect is called an externality.
􀂋Negative externalities cause the socially optimal quantity in a market to be less than the equilibrium quantity.
&#1048715ositive externalities cause the socially optimal quantity in a market to be greater than the equilibrium quantity.
􀂋Those affected by externalities can sometimes solve the problem privately.
􀂋The Coase theorem states that if people can bargain without a cost, then they can always reach an agreement in which resources are allocated efficiently.
􀂋When private parties cannot adequately deal with externalities, then the government steps in.
􀂋The government can either regulate behavior or internalize the externality by using Pigovian taxes.

Summary 11
􀂋Goods differ in whether they are excludable and whether they are rival.
􀂋A good is excludable if it is possible to prevent someone from using it.
􀂋A good is rival if one person’s enjoyment of the good prevents other people from enjoying the same unit of the good.
&#1048715ublic goods are neither rival nor excludable.
􀂋Because people are not charged for their use of public goods, they have an incentive to free ride when the good is provided privately.
􀂋Governments provide public goods, making quantity decisions based upon cost-benefit analysis.
􀂋Common resources are rival but not excludable.
􀂋Because people are not charged for their use of common resources, they tend to use them excessively.
􀂋Governments tend to try to limit the use of common resources.

Summary 13
􀂋The goal of firms is to maximize profit, which equals total revenue minus total cost.
􀂋When analyzing a firm’s behavior, it is important to include all the opportunity costs of production.
􀂋Some opportunity costs are explicit while other opportunity costs are implicit.
􀂋A firm’s costs reflect its production process.
􀂋A typical firm’s production function gets flatter as the quantity of input increases, displaying the property of diminishing marginal product.
􀂋A firm’s total costs are divided between fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs don’t vary with quantities produced; variable costs do.
􀂋Average total cost is total cost divided by the quantity of output.
􀂋Marginal cost is the amount by which total cost would rise if output were increased by one unit.
􀂋The marginal cost always rises with the quantity of output.
􀂋The average-total-cost curve is U-shaped.
􀂋The marginal-cost curve always crosses the average-total-cost curve at the minimum of ATC.
􀂋A firm’s costs often depend on the time horizon being considered.

Summary 14
􀂋Because a competitive firm is a price taker, its revenue is proportional to the amount of output it produces.
􀂋The price of the good equals both the firm’s average revenue and its marginal revenue.
􀂋To maximize profit a firm chooses the quantity of output such that marginal revenue equals marginal cost.
􀂋This is also the quantity at which price equals marginal cost.
􀂋Therefore, the firm’s marginal cost curve is its supply curve.
􀂋In the short run when a firm cannot recover its fixed costs, the firm will choose to shut down temporarily if the price of the good is less than average variable cost.
􀂋In the long run when the firm can recover both fixed and variable costs, it will choose to exit if the price is less than average total cost.
􀂋In a market with free entry and exit, profits are driven to zero in the long run and all firms produce at the efficient scale.
􀂋Changes in demand have different effects over different time horizons.

Summary 15
􀂋A monopoly is a firm that is the sole seller in its market.
􀂋It faces a downward-sloping demand curve for its product.
􀂋A monopoly’s marginal revenue is always below the price of its good.
􀂋Like a competitive firm, a monopoly maximizes profit by producing the quantity at which marginal cost and marginal revenue are equal.
􀂋Unlike a competitive firm, its price exceeds its marginal revenue, so its price exceeds marginal cost.
􀂋A monopolist’s profit-maximizing level of output is below the level that maximizes the sum of consumer and producer surplus.
􀂋A monopoly causes deadweight losses similar to the deadweight losses caused by taxes.
&#1048715olicymakers can respond to the inefficiencies of monopoly behavior with antitrust laws, regulation of prices, or by turning the monopoly into a government-run enterprise.
􀂋If the market failure is deemed small, policymakers may decide to do nothing at all.
􀂋Monopolists can raise their profits by charging different prices to different buyers based on their willingness to pay.
&#1048715rice discrimination can raise economic welfare and lessen deadweight losses.

Summary 16
􀂋Oligopolists maximize their total profits by forming a cartel and acting like a monopolist.
􀂋If oligopolists make decisions about production levels individually, the result is a greater quantity and a lower price than under the monopoly outcome.
􀂋The prisoners’dilemma shows that self-interest can prevent people from maintaining cooperation, even when cooperation is in their mutual self-interest.
􀂋The logic of the prisoners’dilemma applies in many situations, including oligopolies.
&#1048715olicymakers use the antitrust laws to prevent oligopolies from engaging in behavior that reduces competition.
Summary 17
􀂋A monopolistically competitive market is characterized by three attributes: many firms, differentiated products, and free entry.
􀂋The equilibrium in a monopolistically competitive market differs from perfect competition in that each firm has excess capacity and each firm charges a price above marginal cost.
􀂋Monopolistic competition does not have all of the desirable properties of perfect competition.
􀂋There is a standard deadweight loss of monopoly caused by the markup of price over marginal cost.
􀂋The number of firms can be too large or too small.
􀂋The product differentiation inherent in monopolistic competition leads to the use of advertising and brand names.
􀂋Critics of advertising and brand names argue that firms use them to take advantage of consumer irrationality and to reduce competition.
􀂋Defenders argue that firms use advertising and brand names to inform consumers and to compete more vigorously on price and product quality.

Summary 18
􀂋The three most important factors of production are labor, land, and capital.
􀂋The demand for factors, such as labor, is a derived demand that comes from firms that use the factors to produce goods and services.
􀂋Competitive, profit-maximizing firms hire each factor up to the point at which the value of the marginal product of the factor equals its price.
􀂋The supply of labor arises from individuals’ tradeoff between work and leisure.
􀂋An upward-sloping labor supply curve means that people respond to an increase in the wage by enjoying less leisure and working more hours.
􀂋The price paid to each factor adjusts to balance the supply and demand for that factor.
􀂋Because factor demand reflects the value of the marginal product of that factor, in equilibrium each factor is compensated according to its marginal contribution to the production of goods and services.
􀂋Because factors of production are used together, the marginal product of any one factor depends on the quantities of all factors that are available.
􀂋As a result, a change in the supply of one factor alters the equilibrium earnings of all the factors.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-20 16:15:09 | 显示全部楼层



国际贸易实务International Trade and Actual Practice
International Trade and Practice studies many different areas of international trade, for example, the methods of showing goods quality, transport, insurance, the methods of fix a price for the good, payment,  negotiation, making contract, and so on. It is very complicated, but it’s very useful comparing to Theory of International Trade.
一、        关于贸易术语的国际贸易惯例
1、《1932年华沙-牛津规则》(Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932)
2、《1941年美国与对外贸易定义修订本》(Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941)
3、《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS 2000)
组别         英文名称        运费        保险费       
E组        EXW(Ex works)          buyer        Buyer        工厂交货
  F组        FCA(Free Carrier)
FAS(Free Alongside Ship)
FOB(Free on Board)         Buyer
buyer        Buyer
buyer        货交承运人
C组        CFR(Cost and Freight)
CIF(Cost ,Insurance and Freight)
CPT(Carriage Paid To )
CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To)        Seller
seller        Buyer
seller        成本加运费
D组        DAF(Delivered At Frontier)
DES(Delivered Ex Ship)
DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay)
DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid)
DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)         Seller
seller        Seller
seller        边境交货

1、合同标的物name of commodity及其质量quality、数量quantity与包装

确认样confirming sample
色样colour sample
款式样pattern sample
FAQ:Fair Average Quality
商标Trade Mark
品牌Brand Name
品质公差Quality Tolerance
公制The Metric System
国际单位制The International System of Units
毛重Gross Weight
净重Net Weight
实际皮重Actual Tare
平均皮重Average Tare
习惯皮重Customary Tare
约定皮重Computed Tare
公量Conditioned Weight
法定重量Legal Weight
实物净重 Net Net Weight
裸装Nude Pack
散装In Bulk
运输标志Shipping Mark
指示性标志Indicative Mark
警告性标志Warning Mark


班轮运输Liner Transport
租船运输Shipping by Chartering
定程租船Voyage Charter
定期租船Time Charter
船方不管装卸、理舱和平舱Free In and Out, Stowed and Trimmed
铁路运输Rail Transport
航空运输Air Transport
班机运输Scheduled Airline
包机运输Chartered Carrier
航空急件传送方式Air Express Service
TEU Twentyfoot Equivalent Unit
整箱货FCL Full Container Load
拼箱货LCL Less Than Container Load
国际多式联运International Multimodal Transport
多式联运经营人Multimodal Transport Operator
分批装运Partical Shipment
海运提单Ocean Bill of Lading
已装船提单On Board B/L
备运提单 Received for Shipment B/L

共同海损General Average  
单独海损Particular Average
中国的险别:平安险Free from Particular Average FPA
            水渍险With Average or With Particular Average WA or WPA
            一切险All Risks
“仓至仓”条款Warehouse to Warehouse Clause 保险责任的范围是:保险单所载明的起运地仓库或储存处所开始,到保险单所载明的目的地收货人的最后仓库。
协会货物条款(A)  Institute Cargo Clauses(A)   ICC(A)      =一切险
协会货物条款(B)  Institute Cargo Clauses(B)   ICC(B)      =水渍险
协会货物条款(C)  Institute Cargo Clauses(C)   ICC(C)      =平安险
协会战争险条款(货物)  Institute War Clauses-Cargo
协会罢工险条款(货物)  Institute Strikes Clauses-Cargo
恶意损害险条款  Malicious Damage Clauses

CFR=FOB+运费   CIF=FOB+运费+保险费          折扣 Discount,Allowance
计价货币Money of Account         佣金Commission         净价 Net Price
出票 Issue 提示Presentation  承兑Acceptance  付款Payment  背书Endorsement  拒付Dishonour
异议与索赔条款Discrepancy and Claim Clause  罚金条款Penalty Clause
不可抗力Force Majeure  仲裁条款Arbitration Clause
    International Business Negotiation
    询盘Inquiry-发盘Offer-还盘Counter Offer-接受Acceptance
    违约Breach of Contract    救济方法Remedies   损害赔偿Damages
Distributions 经销商Distributors 供货商Supplier 独家经销Sole Distribution 包销Exclusive Sales 本人对本人 Principal to Principal  帮助其销售货物
代理Agency 代理合同的签订
Consignment ,寄售人Consignor,当地代售人Consignee.展卖Fairs and Sales
国际博览会International Fair 纽伦堡Nuremberg玩具toy展览会Fair,慕尼黑Munich体育用品展览会,法兰克福Frankfurt消费品展览会
中国出口商品交易会 Chinese Export Commodities Fair 广交会(春、秋)
    招标Invitation to Tender  投标Submission of Tender  拍卖Auction  
    期货交易/市场Futures Trading/Market 期货交易所Futures Exchanges
    卖期保值Selling Hedge  买期保值Buying Hedge  
5、对销贸易  Counter Trade
    易货贸易Barter Trade  补偿贸易Compensation Trade  反购或互购Counter Purchase
转手贸易Switch Trade    抵销Offet
6、加工贸易 process/machining
7、国际电子商务 International Electronic Business
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-20 16:18:28 | 显示全部楼层


国际结算 International Trade Payment
一、        定义 Definition
The definition of International Trade Payment is to study the systems of effectively identifying or supervising performance of both sides with the best possible low payment transaction costs and their practice.

二、        银行在国际贸易结算中的作用
Roles of Banking in the International Trade
1、        Facilitating funds transfer
2、        Promoting conclusion of International deals
3、        Extending loans for international trade

三、        汇款业务类型
   Types of Remittance
1、        Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) 电汇
2、        Mail Transfer (M/T)        信汇
3、        Demand Draft (D/D)         票汇
Remitter->Remitting Bank->aying Bank->ayee

四、        World leading payment and clearing systems
   1、 CHIPS
CHIPS,abbreviation of Clearing House Inter-Bank Payments Systems,developed in 1971 by the New York Clearing House Association for transfer of international dollar payments,operated realtime,final payments system for business-to-business transactions,linking about 140 depository institutions,called also settling banks, which have offices or affiliates in New York City.Clients of settling banks have their own accounts and UIN in the system,but are not to clear their accounts by the end of business day directly,which will be done in the name of their settling bank.
2、        CHAPS
Clearing House Automated Payment System is an electronic transfer system for sending same-day value payments from bank to bank.It operates in partners in partnership with the Bank of England in providing the payment and settlement service.Since 4 January 1999,the CHAPS Clearing Company has operated two separate clearings,CHAPS Sterling and CHAPS Euro.
3、        SWIFT
SWIFT,standing for the Society for World Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication ,has over 7,000 financial institutions in 192 countries, based in the Netherlands,Hong Kong,the United Kingdom,and the United States.It provides worldwide,24 hours a day,7 days a week,assistance in more than 10 languages.SWIFT provides messages services to banks,broker-deslers and investment managers,as well as to market infrastructures(means here clearing and settling house) in cover transfer,international trade payments,treasury,securities,foreign exchange transactions,and so on.
4、        TARGET
TARGET ,which stands for the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer system, is the realtime gross settlement system for the Euro,which commenced operation on 4 January 1999.
TARGET consists of 15 national real-time gross settlement(RTGS) systems and the ECB payment mechanism(EPM) ,which are interlinked so as to provide an uniform platform for the processing of cross-border payments.
CHIPS and CHAPS are connects with their own central bank respectively ,easily clearing the net position for its settling members, yet limit the numbers of participating member on the base of qualification or location and the operating only in the local business time. Transferring Euro only in the EY member states, including Euro-area countries and noneuro-area countries, limits the worldwide use of TARGER. With working in different currencies, in more than 10 languages,24 hours in 7 days per week, SWIFT is the most popular international payment in the world, even though it can not yet make the ultimate net debit or credit settlement at moment.
五、        票据
1、        汇票 Bill of Exchange
A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it , requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.
2、        本票 Promissory Notes
A promissory mote is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person (the maker) to another (the payee or the holder) signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or beater.
3、        支票 Cheques
A cheque is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer to a bank signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demand a sum certain in money to or the order of a specified person or to bearer.

4、        商业发票 Commercial Invoice
装箱单   Packing List
海洋运输提单 Marine Bill of lading (B/L)
多式运输单据 Multi-modal (Combined) Transport Document
海运单 Sea Waybill
航空运单 Air Waybill
           保险单 Insurance Policy
           产地证 Certificate of Origin
           出口许可证 Export License
   1、The Documentary Credit or letter of credit is an undertaking issued by a bank for the account of the buyer (applicant) or for its own account, to pay the beneficiary the value of the draft and/or documents provided that the terms and conditions of the documentary credit ate complied with.
   4、开证行(买方银行)   Issuing (Buyer’s) bank
5、保兑行  Confirming bank
   6、议付行  Negotiating bank
   7、付款行  Paying bank
   8、承兑行  Accepting bank
   9、偿付行  Reimbursing bank
  10、通知行  Adivising(Seller’s) bank
*EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) 电子数据交换
The importer can utilize his funds or at least a part of his funds for dealing in other operations to earn more profit;He can obtain the shipping documents representing the title to the goods immediately after he makes payment;The risks resulting from the default on the part of the exporter can be reduced to a minimum.
The payment for his goods can be ensured and the turnover of his funds speeded up.
There will be no actual outlay of funds on its part, but it can earn a commission by opening this credit.
4、        从通知行或议付行的角度来看:赚取手续费
There will be no actual outlay of funds on its part, but it can earn a commission by opening this credit.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-20 16:20:21 | 显示全部楼层


财政学 Finance
财政是以政府government为主体main body的经济(分配distribution)活动。
财政的一般特征character:主体是政府,分配的对象the object of distributing是社会产品social product,分配的目的是满足社会公共需要meet the need of the society。
帕雷托最优(Pareto  Optimum):是指社会资源social resource配置allocation达到这样一种状态reach this state:在不使其他人境况plight变坏的同时,任何人的境况都不会变好。
帕雷托改善(Pareto Improvement):是指资源配置allocation的变化至少使一个人的福利welfare提高而没有其他人受到损害damage。
帕雷托最优(Pareto  Optimum)实现的市场环境market environment:所有市场是完全竞争perfect competitive的,完全的信息perfect information,不存在外部效应external effect。
洛仑兹曲线Lorenz Curve;基尼系数GINI Coefficient;绝对平等线Line of Perfect Equality;绝对不平等线Line of Perfect Inequality
市场失灵market failure的表现expression:自然垄断natural monopoly,外部效应external effect与公共物品public goods,信息不充分plenty of information,收入分配不公distribution of earnings not fair和经济波动economic fluctuation
公共产品的特征:非排他性not excludable,非竞争性not rival.         
公共资源Common resources: not excludable but rival.
外部效应是指某种产品的生产或消费使生产者或消费者之外的社会成员受益或受损而没有获得相应的补偿的经济现象economic phenomenon。
科斯定理Coase theorem:只要产权明确界定并受法律的有效保护,那么市场交易的任何一方拥有产权都能带来同样的资源最优配置的结果,这可通过双方之间的谈判自然的实现。The Coase theorem states that if people can bargain without a cost, then they can always reach an agreement in which resources are allocated efficiently.
政府可通过更有效的措施来纠正外部效应measures to correct:罚款fine或征税revenue;补贴fiscal subsidies;公共管制public control;法律措施law measures
政府失灵的表现 :有限信息limited information;私人市场反应reflection of private market的控制能力ability of control 有限limited;官僚主义bureaucratism;政治决策程序procedure of politics determination的局限性
国家财政支出按经济性质分类:购买性支出purchase expenditure;转移性支出transitivity expenditure
瓦格纳Adolf Wagner法则可以表述为:随着人均收入的提高,财政支出的规模size也随之提高。
成本-效益分析法benefit and cost methods就是针对政府确定的建设目标,提出若干实现目标的方案several plans for the aim,详列各种方案的全部与其成本cost和预期效益anticipative benefits,通过分析比较comparative analysis,选择出最佳的政府投资项目best investment item
运用成本-效益分析法,关键是确定项目的成本cost、效益benefit、贴现率discount rate、时间期限term等。
现行的社会保障social security体系system包括:社会保险insurance(有养老保险endowment insurance、失业保险unemployment insurance、医疗保险hospitalization insurance、工伤保险industrial injury insurance和生育保险maternity insurance)、社会救济social relief、社会福利social welfare、优抚安置Special Care and Placement。
税收基本特征:强制性coercive;无偿性not compensated;固定性fixed;
税收术语:纳税人taxpayer,课税对象object of taxation,税率tax rate,起征点tax threshold、免征额tax exemption
国际税收法律实质上essential meaning of tax law是指协调harmonize各个国家对外征税法律的约束性规范,时处理国家之间税收分配关系的惯例international revenue distribution practice。
国际性逃税情况tax evasion很严重,需要各个国家加强立法make law together方面的合作来规范。
国债national debt是国家公债的简称,是一国政府为了筹集财政资金collect more funds而借的债。主要是指中央政府central government借的债。
预算budget,包括销售预算sales budget及费用expense、净利net profit等财务指标的综合预算compositive
决算的定义: 根据年度预算the result of this year’s budget执行的结果而编制的年度会计报告authorized accounting report。
赤字依存度budget deficit dependency表明政府在一定时期内总支出中依赖赤字支出的程度,反映财政状况好坏。
财政政策fiscal policy是指一国政府为实现既定的宏观经济目标macroeconomics goal而采取的调整财政收支的指导原则和措施的总称the measures that adjust financial revenue and expenditure。
根据财政政策具有的调节经济周期的作用来划分,可分为自动稳定的财政政策auto stable fiscal policy和相机抉择的财政政策discretionary fiscal policy。
财政政策工具:预算budget;税收revenue;国债national debt;公共支出public expenditure
1、松的财政政策和松的货币政策——双松模式loose fiscal policy-loose monetary policy
减税cut taxes和扩大政府支出规模enlarge the size of government expenditure来扩张社会总需求expanse the total domestic demand;降低法定准备金率lower the legal reserve requirement、降低利率lower the interest rates来增加货币供给expanse the money supply
在社会总需求lack social demand 严重不足,生产能力和生产资源未得到充分利用make best of the product ability and resource的情况下,这种配合可以刺激经济增长make the economics grow,扩大就业Enlarging Employment Scale。但会带来通货膨胀风险risk of inflation。
2、紧的财政政策和紧的货币政策——双紧模式tight fiscal policy and tight monetary policy
增税increase taxation和减少政府支出规模Cut down expenses of government来限制消费与投资restrict the consume and investment,抑制社会总需求restrain demand;通过提高法定准备金率raise the legal reserve requirement、提高利率raise the interest rates来减少货币供给money supply。
可以有效制止需求膨胀repress demand inflation与通货膨胀,但会带来经济停滞economic stagnation的后果。
对克服经济萧条overcome Economic depression有效;可避免过高的通货膨胀率avoid high inflation rate
在保持经济适度增长keep economics increasing的同时,尽可能的避免通货膨胀。但长期运用这种组合会累积大量财政赤字bring a large budget deficit。
可抑制社会总需求retain social demand,防止经济过旺economics grow too fast和制止通货膨胀avoid inflation;可通过增加货币供给supply more money满足经济增长的需要meet the need of economics growth。
在控制通货膨胀control inflation的同时,保持适度的经济增长keep economics growing properly。但货币政策过松,也难以制止通货膨胀can’t avoid inflation。
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发表于 2007-10-21 09:59:36 | 显示全部楼层
不好意思啊,我那个可能是好久没去登陆了,那我再给你个邮箱试试吧,这个我是刚刚登过,应该不会有问题了!你的资料好详尽啊,赞一个 :hua:
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-21 11:13:51 | 显示全部楼层


货币银行学Money and banking
一般而言,货币具有以下职能function:交换媒介medium of exchange、价值尺度standard of value、支付手段means of payment和贮藏手段store of value
一般来说,作为货币的商品应具有四个特征characters:一,价值比较高high value,这样可用较少的媒介medium实现较大量的交易trade;二,易于分割divide up;三,易于保存keep;四,便于携带carry,以利于在广大地区larger area间交易。
货币的演变:1,商品货币goods money 2,代用货币token money 3,信用货币credit money
一个国家的货币制度money system主要由以下要素element构成的:货币材料material,货币单位unit,货币的发行与流通issuance and currency,货币支付能力ability to pay,金准备gold preparation
货币制度的演变:1,银本位制silver standard;2,金银复本位制gold and silver standard;3,金本位制gold standard(金块本位制、金汇兑本位制、);4、信用本位制credit standard
金币yellow boy银币silver coin按照法定的legal比率rate流通go current,这就是双本位制double standard
金币可以自由铸造found而银币不能自由铸造,这就是跛行本位制claudication standard
在经济范畴,信用是指:能履行约定fulfil your promise而取得的信任trust(对方 the other side);无需物质保证don’t need promise of material,可以按时偿付pay back on time;银行借贷debit and credit或商业上的赊销an account sale。
利息的计算,分单利法(simple interest)(利息=本金(principle)×利率×期限)和复利法(compound interest )。

收益率 (yield)
到期收益率(yield to maturity)  
货币需求主要由于三种动机:交易trade、预防prevention、投机动机motivation of speculation。
利率的风险结构 :违约风险break the contract;流动性风险liquidity risk;税收因素revenue
金融市场的构成要素:金融市场的参与者participant;金融工具financial instruments;金融市场的价格
金融市场按交易内容划分,分为黄金市场、外汇市场foreign exchange、股票市场Shares stock、债券市场bond market
金融工具financial instruments是在信用活动中产生的能够证明金融交易金额amount of transaction、期限term、价格的书面文件written document。
短期short-term金融工具:商业票据(commercial paper);银行承兑汇票(banker‘s acceptances);大额可转让定期存单(CDs);短期政府债券short-term government bond
长期金融工具 :债券(bond);股票(stock)
商业银行是以经营存放款deposit,loan为主要业务main business,以利润profit为主要目标,能吸收absorb、创造creat和收缩shrink存款货币的金融机构organizition。
商业银行的职能 :信用中介职能credit agent;支付中介职能payment agent;信用创造职能credit creation agent;金融服务职能finance service
商业银行的信用创造:原始存款original deposit和派生存款derivative deposit
商业银行的业务:负债业务liability 、资产业务asset,中间业务agent

活期存款(demand deposit)。
商业银行的资产estate业务:现金资产cash estate、放款业务loan、投资业务investment
货币政策目标四个方面:经济增长improvement of economy、充分就业full employment、稳定物价stable price、国际收支平衡balanceable international payments
经济性政策工具:法定存款准备金率legal reserve fund rate.、再贴现率rediscount rate、公开市场业务open market operations
我国现行的货币供给层次包括:M0=现金;M1=M0+企业、机关活期存款Current deposit+农村存款country deposit;M2=M1+企业、机关定期存款+储蓄存款saving deposit;M3=M2+财政存款+汇兑在途资金+其他存款
国际上衡量通货膨胀的指标通常有三个:1,消费物价指数(CPI)consumer price index;2,批发物价指数(PPI)3,GDP冲减指数deflator
外汇(Foreign Exchange)是指外国货币或以外国货币表示的能用来清算国际收支差额balance of international payments的资产
汇率(Exchange Rate)是两种货币间的折算比价Price ratio,也就是以一种货币表示的另一种货币的相对价格relative price

直接标价法(Direct Quotation)
间接标价法(Indirect Quotation)
即期汇率(Spot Exchange Rate)
远期汇率(Forward Exchange Rate)。
单一汇率(Single Exchange Rate)
复汇率(Multiple Exchange Rate)。
固定汇率(Fixed Exchange Rate)
浮动汇率(Float Exchange Rate)
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-21 11:15:24 | 显示全部楼层


会计学原理 Fundamentals of Accounting
会计假设supposes of accounting:会计主体main body,持续经营keep managing,会计分期accounting terms,货币计价measured by money
会计循环accounting circle的基本步骤basic steps:经济业务economic operation的原始凭证original evidence->设置帐户setup account->编制分录workout accounting entry
会计档案accounting archives;会计核算 accounting calculation; 会计凭证accounting document; 会计原则accounting principles; 会计科目account title
借贷记账法Debit and Credit Accounting的基本内容basic contents:记账符号account mark,账户结构account structure,记账规则accounting principles,试算平衡to calculate whether it is balanceable
权责发生制accrual basis,收付实现制cash basis,营业收入business revenue,营业成本business cost,营业税金business tax,营业费用business expenditure,管理费用management cost,财务费用fiscal cost,净利润net income,所得税income tax,待处理财产损溢funds that wait for dealing with
会计报表accounting reports包括资产负债表balance sheet、利润表profit statement、现金流量表cash flow statements。
资产负债表balance sheet:左边,流动资产current assets,非流动资产nonliquid assets;右边,流动负债current liabilities,非流动负债noncurrent liabilities,所有者权益owner's equity
主要财务比率financial ratios:(一)测算calculate公司的短期偿债能力debt paying ability:流动比率liquidity ratio,酸性测试比率,现金比率(二)测算公司变现存货stock和收回应收账款receivables的能力:存货周转率turnover ratio of stock周转率turnover ratio of receivables(三)测算公司的长期偿债能力:负债比率debt ratio,(四)测算公司的盈利能力profitability:销售利润率rate of income as a percentage of sales,总资产报酬率rate of return on total assets,净资产收益率yield of net assets,(五)分析公司股票投资:市盈率(price/earning) ratio,股息率dividend rate
财产物资property and material盘存制度inventory system:永续盘存制perpetual inventory system和实地盘存制physical inventory system

管理学原理Principles of Management
管理的职能:计划、组织、人员配备personnel equipment、指导supervising与领导leading、控制等
管理是一种社会现象social phenomena或文化现象cultural phenomena
管理的核心是处理组织中的各种人际关系relationship between people
经济环境economic environment是指组织所在国家或地区的总体经济状况economic status,包括消费者购买力purchasing power、利息率investment rate、通货膨胀率inflation rate、失业率、社会总体价格水平price level等等都属于经济环境的范畴
计划工作plan work、目标intention与战略stratagem、预测forecast、决策;组织工作、部门划分partition of department与组织结构、组织中的职权配置、组织变革;人员配备的系统过程及人员的选拔selection、主管人员的考评judgment、主管人员的培训training;领导工作、沟通communication、激励inspiration、领导方式和领导艺术;控制工作、控制工作的类型和原理

统计学原理Principles of Statistics
统计的基本任务basic task对国民经济national economy和社会发展强框进行统计调查statistical survey、统计分析statistical analysis,提供统计资料statistic data统计咨询意见advisory opinion,实行统计监督statistic supervision。
统计调查的组织形式:按调查对象包括的范围分类:全面调查complete survey和非全面调查partial survey。
全面调查如:普查general investigation;非全面调查:重点调查survey of main units,抽样调查sampling survey,典型调查survey of typical case,非全面统计报表partial statistical report
统计分组:根据分组标志the amount of samples的多少不同,可以分为简单分组simple grouping和复合分组complicated grouping
综合指标collecting index:总量指标Total quantity index(总体单位总量和总体标志总量),相对指标relative indicators(计划完成相对指标、结构相对指标、比例相对指标、比较相对指标、强度相对指标),平均指标average indicators(算术平均数arithmetic mean、调和平均数harmonic mean、几何平均数geometric mean、众数mode、中位数median),标志变动度mark variable extent(标准差standard deviation、方差variance、离散系数coefficient of dispersion)
动态数列dynamic series:时点数列time-point series和时期数列periodical series
发展速度speed of development 增长速度speed of growth 定基增长速度fixed number 环比增长速度 比例ratio 数据data
统计指数statistical indices:个体指数particular indices和总指数general index;数量指标指数quantitative index indices和质量指标指数quality index indices。
指数体系index system是由三个或三个以上有联系的指数index所组成的数学关系式。
在抽样调查sampling survey中,有两种不同的总体collectivity,即全及总体total population和抽样总体sampled population。
置信度confidence以抽样平均误差sampling average error为尺度来衡量的相对误差范围。
抽样调查sampling survey:简单随机抽样simple random sampling、类型抽样type samling、机械抽样mechanical sampling、整群抽样cluster sampling、多阶段抽样multiphase sampling
简单线性分析simple linear analysis 相关系数correlation coefficient 估计标准误差standard error of estimate
国民经济核算national economic accounting的基本原理basic principle:
物质产品平衡表体系MPS(System of Material Product Balances)前苏联the former Soviet
只有物质生产部门departments engaged in material production的生产成果product才是社会产品social product;对资金运动funds movement缺乏系统的systemic反映reflection;不采用复式记账法double entry bookkeeping
国民账户体系SNA(System of National Accounts)
物质material、劳务service产品都是生产成果production results;全面地in the round反映了国民经济national economy的运行过程run procedure;采用了复式记账法double entry bookkeeping

国际贸易理论 Theory of International Trade
比较优势理论:重商主义mercantilism,绝对优势absolute advantage(亚当斯密),相对优势comparative advantage(李嘉图)生产可能性边界production possibility frontier 生产可能性曲线production possibility curve 转换曲线transformation curve
相互需求理论theory of Reciprocal Demand 相互需求理论强调的是需求因素在决定贸易模式与利益方面的重要性。
边际替代率marginal rate of substitution MRS 社会无差异曲线community indifference curves
提供曲线offer curve:在各种贸易条件下,一国为了达到最高的福利水平所愿意进行的各种进出口组合。
相互需求曲线reciprocal demand curve 。相互需求理论的扩展,决定需求的因素:实际需求、喜爱偏好、收入水平
偏好相似理论The Preference Similarity Theory:两国之间贸易关系的密切程度是由两国的需求结构与收入水平决定的。
要素禀赋理论:初级产品的贸易是由自然资源的禀赋factor endowment不同而引起的。国与国之间互利贸易的基础在于要素禀赋的差异;由于各种各样的原因,一国要素禀赋中某些要素丰裕factor abundance,另一些要素稀缺factor scarce;国际贸易中一国出口的应当是那些较多使用本国丰裕要素生产出来的商品,进口的则应是那些较多使用本国稀缺要素生产出来的商品。
规模报酬returns to scale:所有投入要素同比例增加时,即生产规模扩大时,总产量的变化情况。1、规模报酬不变constant returns to scale 2、规模报酬递减decreasing returns to scale 3、规模报酬递增increasing returns to scale
国际服务贸易:过境交付cross-bordersupply(信息咨询,卫星影视服务,国际电台),境外消费consumption abroad(国际旅游,国际教育),商业存在commercial presence(在境外设立金融服务分支机构,律师服务所),自然人流动movement of natural persons(管理人员的流动,服务人员的流动)
知识产权intellectual property rights:专利,版权,商标,地理标识,工业品外观设计,集成电路外观设计,未公开的信息
绿色壁垒green barriers:政府出于保护人类健康、保障生态安全和促进自然资源合理利用等目的,将环境标准和卫生标准纳入贸易监管之中,对那些违反环境标准的商品进出口尤其是进口,设置某种壁垒。
经济一体化组织形式:优惠贸易安排preferential trade arrangements,关税同盟customs union,自由贸易区free trade area,共同市场common market,经济同盟economic union,完全的经济一体化complete economic integration

不可贸易产品non-tradable goods
资源定向型产业resource-oriented industries
市场定向型产业market-oriented industries
流动型产业footloose industries
脑力外流brain drain
产业间贸易inter-industry trade
产业内贸易intra-industry trade
内部规模经济internal economies of scale
外部规模经济external economies of scale
不完全竞争non-perfect competition
产品生命周期product cycle
垄断竞争monopolistic competition
技术差距technological gap
中点投票median voter
寻租活动rent-seeking activities
关税壁垒tariff barriers
非关税壁垒non-tariff barriers
反补贴税countervailing duty
反倾销税anti-dumping duty
特惠制preferential duty
普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences
从价税ad valorem duty
从量税specific duty
混合税mixed duty
局部均衡partial equilibrium
一般均衡general equilibrium
生产效应production effect
消费效应consumption effect
税收效应tariff effect
贸易效应trade effect
福利效应welfare effect
有效保护率effective rate of protection
最优关税the optimum tariff
歧视性政府采购discriminatory government policy
进出口贸易的国家垄断state monopoly of import and export
进口许可证import license
技术性贸易壁垒technical barriers to trade
绿色壁垒green barrier
进口配额制import quotas
全球配额global quotas
国别配额country quotas
关税配额tariff quotas
出口补贴export subsidies
反补贴措施counter-vailling measures
直接补贴direct subsidies
间接补贴indirect subsidies
出口管制export control
出口课税export duty
多边合同mutilateral contract
外汇倾销exchange dumping
国际服务贸易international trade in services
国际知识产权贸易intellectual property rights trade
国际技术贸易international technology trade
可持续发展sustainable development
环保技术标准technical regulation
互补效应complement effect
替代效应substitute effect
对外直接投资foreign direct investment
跨国公司内部贸易intra-firm trade
经济一体化economic integration
区域经济一体化regional economic integration
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-21 11:20:17 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢九楼同学的表扬,呵呵 :lianhong:
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发表于 2007-10-21 21:40:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-10-21 21:41:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-10-22 09:46:21 | 显示全部楼层
祝你旗开得胜,凯旋归来,我们都期待的好消息啊! ;)
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发表于 2007-10-22 15:26:06 | 显示全部楼层
:hua: 麻烦给我发一个啊,谢谢
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-22 20:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢同志的关心,我已经在北京住下了, 明天就去考试了, 有点紧张,今天下午去踩了点,我从住的地方到亮马河大厦只用17分钟,如果慢慢走的话。我一直走到了审核部的门口。可惜我是人家吃饭的时候去的,人家都“闭门不见“!哈哈!
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发表于 2007-10-22 22:38:37 | 显示全部楼层
麻烦给我发个 我是学市场营销的
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发表于 2007-10-23 17:07:04 | 显示全部楼层
我也想要,麻烦楼主啦. 我的邮箱

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-24 09:47:12 | 显示全部楼层
     大家完全不用紧张,完全不用!我没开始前的一天还紧张得不行,去了后就好了,遇到自己不会的问题就按照自己的理解答好了。我复习的那么多的内容几乎都没用上,晕死了!白费了好久的力气!!根本考不了什么东西!!笔试15分钟左右,面试20分钟左右,放松吧! ;)
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发表于 2007-10-24 11:13:11 | 显示全部楼层
近期发不了资料 那我就先自己整理整理,两周后能收到楼主的资料,相信还是有所帮助的  呵呵
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发表于 2007-10-27 22:36:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-10-29 08:19:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-10-29 09:36:48 | 显示全部楼层
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