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发表于 2007-3-16 23:53:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
thank you very much for your mail and excuse me, please, that I am
answering so late. I read your mail some month ago but then I was
feeling not able to answer immediately since your master topic is
actually not that close to my research as you suggest in your mail.
Nevertheless, it is interesting and your expertise might be of
importance for my group! Unfortunately, I do not plan to continue the
two projects you mentioned in your mail in the next time. My next
project will be on the controlled growth of opals within SURMAT.
I don't know if SURMAT will invite you for the next interview meeting,
but just in case you are invited it might be useful for you to know a
which project I want to investigate in this school.
Kind regards and all the best
发表于 2007-3-17 00:05:13 | 显示全部楼层
你提到的两个项目 ,教授他不准备继续作了,所以对不起。不过他的下个项目是有关乳石增长控制方面的(这是什么,不明白),而且是在SURMAT里做。他不知道你是否能得到SURMAT的面试机会,为了这种可能性,他建议你了解一下他要做的这个项目。
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-17 00:12:32 | 显示全部楼层


[QUOTE=joyjoyjoy]你提到的两个项目 ,教授他不准备继续作了,所以对不起。不过他的下个项目是有关乳石增长控制方面的(这是什么,不明白),而且是在SURMAT里做。他不知道你是否能得到SURMAT的面试机会,为了这种可能性,他建议你了解一下他要做的这个项目。[/QUOTE]
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发表于 2007-3-17 00:28:49 | 显示全部楼层
他已经 :tongku: 委婉的拒绝了
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发表于 2007-3-17 00:35:53 | 显示全部楼层
thank you very much for your mail and excuse me, please, that I am                                        answering so late. I read your mail some month ago but then I was
feeling not able to answer immediately since your master topic is
actually not that close to my research as you suggest in your mail.
Nevertheless, it is interesting and your expertise might be of
importance for my group! Unfortunately, I do not plan to continue the
two projects you mentioned in your mail in the next time. My next
project will be on the controlled growth of opals within SURMAT.
I don't know if SURMAT will invite you for the next interview meeting,
but just in case you are invited it might be useful for you to know a
which project I want to investigate in this school.
Kind regards and all the best
会对我的课题组很有用!  但是不幸的是,我并不计划继续作你在信中提到的两个
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