发表于 2011-4-22 22:46:34
哥根廷 专业 跨文化神学 连接官网网址 3个w.uni-goettingen.de/de/109075.html[/url][/url]
优势 本人好像是无条件录取 可以学一门德语 听说学出来可以留德一年找工作
劣势 不会德语 在一个专业神学 不知道出来干嘛
herzlichen Glückwunsch! You are one of the selected applicants for the M.A. programme
Intercultural Theology at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. We hereby accept you to study at
Göttingen University from October 2011 to July 2013.
The course of study will start on October 2011 and will be held in Hermannsburg and Göttingen.
The language of instruction is English. During the first and second semester, students usually live
on the campus in Hermannsburg, 180 km away from Göttingen, where the living costs (room and
board) are about 375 euros per month. Tuition fees for six months, including a railroad ticket for the
state of Lower Saxony, are about 710 euros.
想问问 去不去啊 然后神学读出来 出路是什么 求讨论
学校 非211 一本
GPA/成绩 平均84左右 学校排名好像很低(主要加分项目太多 水分太多)
雅思 欧洲过线就行 低了申不了 高了也没必要炫耀
经验:两年申请经验 被lunds 和Stockholm录取过 没去 半年国外工作经验 |